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Certification & Career Coaching Services
Salesforce Certified Administrator Training
I'm excited to offer our Salesforce Certified Administrator training program. This program embraces the #AwesomeAdmin spirit of self-guided learning through a custom website curriculum combined with targeted expert coaching sessions to fill in any gaps in knowledge and test for understanding. I'll share my best tips and tricks for the exam, walk you through test taking strategies, and give you the materials you need to feel confident in your preparation. If you're interested in participating, let me know by clicking here.
Here's what trainees are saying about the program:
"Laurel was so helpful while studying for my Salesforce Administrator certification. Her guides and vocab term reviews were exactly the type of material i saw on the actual exam. For me, it was her 1:1 sessions that really helped me get a passing grade. She helped me understand key concepts and themes (most of which I was struggling with), and all of which I saw on the actual exam. She was patient and encouraging. I had my final 1:1 with her just a few days before I was scheduled to take the exam (I was really doubting myself at that point), and she encouraged me to stay confident in my abilities. Thanks Laurel!!"
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Accelerated Admin Program for Nonprofit Cloud
Are you a new admin or new to the Nonprofit Cloud (NPSP)? Are you volunteering for an org and want mentorship, materials, and best practices from an expert? I am excited to announce the Accelerated Admin program for the Nonprofit Cloud. This coaching program guides admins through the features of NPSP, implementation life cycle, maintenance strategies, user adoption, and other common challenges. I provide content, templates, and coaching to help you gain confidence in your mastery of Nonprofit Cloud architecture and best practices. Interested in learning more? let me know by clicking here.
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